Friday, January 05, 2007

Another One Bites The Dust

We are all in the gutter,but some of us are looking at the stars

....Oscar Wilde

You always believed that equality ,brotherhood, culture, religious ethics etc shall take us to the pinnacle, always had faith in the countrys ever increasing GDP,economic development,globalisation...blah blah, always the first to critise the invasions of foreign culture,americanisation of the Indian youth,your kids growing up to Hendrix n Floyd rather than pandit ravi shankar(all due respect to da gentle man).You are an indispensable part of the "Mera Barat Mahan"brigade and a true Indian to the core. I salute thou not for your patriotism but for thy foolishness.
Have you ever asked yourself as to why we have been ruled for over 1000 years by the turks, afgans ,mugals ,persians, portugese and finally britishers? Do you know the history of your country? Do you think freedom was fought for and won..and are you proud of it?....Maybe yes for you are yet to discern the pangs of hunger n yet to discover how it feels to make your kids walk for six kilometers to fetch water because you cant use the village wells for thou are classified as a "harijan" in the religious encyclopedias. People have been baptizing crime in the name of culture since ages and what’s surprising is somehow we still are very proud of the fact. Let me quote Woody allen here” culture is all but an illusion of permanence” Its been 59 years since we got the freedom tag yet we are so underdeveloped relatively when in comparisons with countries like Japan, China, Germany but still the false ego prevails. I would like to highlight the fact that these countries have had a more woeful situation than we can ever imagine but have significantly superseded us in every respect, so stop whining about how we have been exploited by the Britishers and how they looted us over the years. Infact if it were not for them we still would have prevailed in the neo-nendrethal era like Venezuela or Brazil (ofcourse with a sense of brotherhood and respect for elders). I aint any firang sympathizer but the point if that they gave us a lot more than we could ever bargain for like education, rails, telecommunication, constitution (Babasaheb only amended it) etc....which none before them had, and btw what brotherhood are we talking abt?..all it takes is decapitating some prehistoric statue and all we ever learnt in the moral science books goes for a toss.How many more chandraswami n ramdev baba shitholes are we gonna tolerate who claim to cure aids n cancer n suck on the poor n rich alike .These political buffoons have added an all new dimension to democracy with their “Hindutva”, “India shining” , “ a new world for the poor”…lol.. it’s now more like “for the lunatics of the lunatics and definitely by the lunatics”.
Why such feeling of abhorrence thou shalt ask, I guess its more the grief that something that could have been so beautiful has turned out to be so horribly wrong. I only hope(yea hope is better than despair) that u fellas realise that we aint "mahan" as yet n therz still a lot of bloodshed n gore before the final war of freedom is won.