Sunday, August 20, 2006

Garden Chinese(The Place)

Imagine discussing the "Theory of Evolution",The age old questions of life n its intricacies,Vipasna,Night-Falls n karma under a shed of a tin covered Dhaba, where the only people present are the ones who want to forget all about life and its existence and enjoy a drink. Ganti thinks man is not the superior race in this world(he thinks its cockroach cos they have longiveity and can surive a nuclear holocaust) frankly not surprising looking at da intake levels of alcohol. Rahul wants me to do a 11-day course in Vipasana so that i cud understand this world better. Thou are yet to discern that it is not about understanding but LIVINGGGGGG.
Man has stopped living n started existing.You exist by making compromises but you live by making choices. You dont need any Guru,God or God-Damn baba to tell you how to live a happy life, you dont need any 11-day course to understand the path to cosmic enlightment. You are all confused souls in want of a good system and a better listener,its unfortunate that both are a rarity and hence allow thyself to be pounded by the billion dollar industry called as God.

The Bottom Line(by floyd)...."And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be. "

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