Saturday, June 23, 2007


It was drizzling yet she had no plans of retiring under the mulberry tree. Jasmine was five and it was her first trip to the village fair. She looked like an angel dressed in pink polka dotted skirt with the golden long streaks dancing in the wind. Her blue eyes sparkled every time someone passed her by, never had she seen so many people together. She saw other kids with their parents and with a smile waved at them to attract their attention, some smiled back, some waved but hardly anyone stopped.

Jasmine knew soon it would be dark and before long she would have to tread her way back to the village but it was not the distance that was bothering her. The drizzle had stopped but the wind was still up at it, the juggler was bored and the clown looked bereaved...she wondered why. She was tired and sleepy now rubbing her eyes and yawning only to look more divine. In another few moments she would be on her way back and she was thinking on those lines when she saw a young couple gleefully heading her way. Their charm mesmerized the young girl but not enough to make her forget what she was there for..."Flowers for the Lady, Sir?"


Spikedelik said...

A good read :)

Dhruv said...

gee thankz;-)