Friday, December 01, 2006

Weakness or Strength????

Well kiran wanted 2 hv a smoke n we landed at anna's tapri at 3.30(night ofcourse). I had this mineral water bottle wid me( fk y me?) n was unaware of da surroundings when suddenly confronted by these two drunk ruffians,one of whom politely asked me for da bottle. Cudnt refuse after i saw another three guys join da binge. Those guys finished more than half da bottle n neva looked like giving it back to me,kiran was watching all this besides me when one asked if he had any problems,which ofcourse he politely declined.......Kiran was waiting for that spark while i was calculating that five on two woudn't do justice to the cause ,we walked away finally (& without the bottle).
Kiran says its was his strength that he refused to be drawn into a brawl wid the drunks. I think we were just not strong enough. I dunno if walking out that night was the right choice but i know one thing for time i wont calculate.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Garden Chinese(The Place)

Imagine discussing the "Theory of Evolution",The age old questions of life n its intricacies,Vipasna,Night-Falls n karma under a shed of a tin covered Dhaba, where the only people present are the ones who want to forget all about life and its existence and enjoy a drink. Ganti thinks man is not the superior race in this world(he thinks its cockroach cos they have longiveity and can surive a nuclear holocaust) frankly not surprising looking at da intake levels of alcohol. Rahul wants me to do a 11-day course in Vipasana so that i cud understand this world better. Thou are yet to discern that it is not about understanding but LIVINGGGGGG.
Man has stopped living n started existing.You exist by making compromises but you live by making choices. You dont need any Guru,God or God-Damn baba to tell you how to live a happy life, you dont need any 11-day course to understand the path to cosmic enlightment. You are all confused souls in want of a good system and a better listener,its unfortunate that both are a rarity and hence allow thyself to be pounded by the billion dollar industry called as God.

The Bottom Line(by floyd)...."And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be. "

Sunday, July 30, 2006

No Mans Land

I went through the names in the cell phone for the last time reminiscing at every pause. My entire life was flashing before me, my childhood, my music, and the girls I loved. Yes I knew I would never see them again and yes I knew I would never hear that ballad again and yet there was this certain numbness which overcame my paranoia. They say you see light when you die, I only hoped there would be some good music too. I was going to be torn from this mortal world and thrown into the …unknown. A journey was to end for certain, but what enamored me was this childhood free-spiritedness to begin another one. I guess one lifetime isn’t enough to love and definitely not big enough to live. Time was effervescing fast but I was unhurried, perhaps caught between the avidity of this world and the alacrity of the one that awaited me.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


N thats da classic or perhaps shld i say shameful end of da greatest glamdolls( or english mongrels..whatever u prefer) u shall ever see...da world today saw that figo n zidane can still kick some royal butt. Never invoke the gods unless you really want them to appear.It annoys them very much...hala portugal..hala madrid!!!
some vinci dudz once said "ignorance is misleading..O wretched ur eyes"

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Wind And The Wave

There exists a story behind each of nature's creations…. a poem in every mortal…. an anecdote behind every Jehovah's genesis. I don't know what it takes to discover these masterpieces but ill find it out someday and when I do please be there to harken.
So here I was without any popcorns or the conventional coke to watch what was to be the greatest movie of my life. Tragic love stories never appealed to me, but then this one was different. This was about the two people who had the audaciousness to change the destiny of every living being; yet enervated and incapable of changing their own. This was the story of the wind and the wave…
Every morning she would wake up knowing he was there…right there overlooking her shoulders to see if she was all right. He would pamper her and caress her all the way to the shore. She knew about his ardency and wanted to turn back and tell him that she loved him too, but that was not meant to be for though they both were always together, they never could be one. They fought like young lovers yet their silence at times imitated the Greek philosophers at work. Her gait was that of a princess marching towards the shore, she was happy for she had found her love yet grieved cause she knew she never could be with him. The wind knew this yet the gentle man that he was never gave up her side for he loved her and wanted to keep her happy till the very end of their journey. The shore is where their journey ends...he moves on while she breaths her last.
. Tragic love stories never appealed to me, but then this one was different.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Jim Morrison

Whenever a hero has been born or passed back into the void, the place is marked and sanctified. A temple is erected there to signify and inspire the miracle of perfect centeredness; for this is the place of the breakthrough. Someone at this point discovered eternity. The site can serve, therefore, as a support for fruitful meditation. . . the shrine or alter at the center being symbolical of the Inexhaustible Point. The one who enters the temple and proceeds to the sanctuary is imitating the deeds of the original hero.

- from The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell

Sunday, January 29, 2006


We reached Goa on the 31st afternoon and the joys of reaching a paradise were quickly superseded by the agony of reaching hell. Someone had changed the locks to the resort-flat we were supposed to stay in. Moiz went to sleep in the staircase n within minutes he was snoring, Shetty wouldn’t stop saying f*** and Kiran was too astonished to say anything. They say devils rejoice in agony so it was up to me to go n find a key maker. Kiran like a good comrade (yes it takes guts after a 14 hr non-stop journey) tugged along, we were halfway when Shetty called n said he had broken the lock.
Shetty refused to go to the rave so New Year’s Eve was spent on Vagator beach (later on Baga) were we saw some amazing fire works and then had some scrumptious food. For how long we slept I do not remember but the innervations of waking up to a breathtaking voluptuous beach (n not a bitch) smoothened all our pains. What followed next defines the very purpose of this blog "Joie De Vivre-The excitement of life ". The shack on the beach, Mark knofler in the air, calamari (squid) n some assorted seafood on the platter; honestly I couldn’t have wanted a better afternoon. Evenings were spent in an ambiguous manner discs, hunting for culinary delights, checking out the beaches, babes etc.
I guess its beyond my scope or that of anybody to completely define Goa in all its grandeur, there are so many little incidents, so many people that I don't think I will have enough space to mention it all. Those Rockcotes (sea-fish), chicken in melted cheese thawed in tomato sauce (ummmmmm), Shetty burning the Jesus Christ frame (accident fellas),Moiz breaking the bed,Kirans helplessness,playing soccer with those spanish n goan folks,those waves, Russian babes (nothing naughty), live band playing "hotel california" on the beach,John...

I don't think I can write about all that and so much more - let me be selfish and preserve those memories in my mind, after all, that is all i have left.

P.S - The flipside.... couldn’t meet Renuka.... Damn!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Goa (pre-31st)

It all started with "would u like to meet Renuka on 31st". I was a bit surprised cos i was sure that he knew she was in Goa. The msg was discarded in mirth only to be followed by another one which said "serious". I gotta admit I was a bit appalled cos if this guy was to be believed it would mean we wer heading for oh-my-sweet-lord Goaaaaaaaa.
Soon kiran confirmed my wildest dream n after a few phone calls (Moiz n Shetty joined in) we decided that Goa was "ON”. It is important to note that by the time we were sure of this odyssey 31st was just a couple of days away so Buses/train/my-dad-cant-afford-flights were out of question. So after much arbitration and on unanimous verdict Bike was chosen as the preferred mode of transportation.
So on 30th dec 8.00 PM we set forth with this innocent faith that our world shall never go wrong and our perseverance shall payoff. I soon realized perseverance when stretched too far (read 626 Kms) gets you in a deep malaise and faith is just like chewing bubble gum over an arithmetic problem and waiting for an answer, .We stopped at every 60-70 kms n changed places (plz don’t ask y). At this juncture i would like to thank my friends for not allowing me to drive infact if my memory serves me right these were the exact words "I rather drive the whole distance than sit behind you n pray for our survival". Moiz..u cut me deep man..real deeeep:-)
Our pre departure planning of making a halt at Kirans company in chiplun(around 250 kms from Mumbai) was cancelled cos we were damn too excited n wanted to drive through the night. It still makes me proud that we did but the credit goes to these brave men whom history shall always regard as the epitome of wild adventure and intestinal fortitude.