Friday, December 01, 2006

Weakness or Strength????

Well kiran wanted 2 hv a smoke n we landed at anna's tapri at 3.30(night ofcourse). I had this mineral water bottle wid me( fk y me?) n was unaware of da surroundings when suddenly confronted by these two drunk ruffians,one of whom politely asked me for da bottle. Cudnt refuse after i saw another three guys join da binge. Those guys finished more than half da bottle n neva looked like giving it back to me,kiran was watching all this besides me when one asked if he had any problems,which ofcourse he politely declined.......Kiran was waiting for that spark while i was calculating that five on two woudn't do justice to the cause ,we walked away finally (& without the bottle).
Kiran says its was his strength that he refused to be drawn into a brawl wid the drunks. I think we were just not strong enough. I dunno if walking out that night was the right choice but i know one thing for time i wont calculate.


Anonymous said...

Yeah even i till date not able to know was it strength or weakness... some experiences are so difficult to analyse....

well but the other day........ we didnt calculate........ yeah u might have had a tough time counting those hours... when u couldnt sleep coz of that detachable shoulder of urs...

Gauri said...

to me it was smartness... which ofcourse is strong n sound mind.

fighting with such roadies with no mind definitely not a good idea coz if u r hurt its u n the ones who care 4 u are at loss...
n if u guys land up hurting them wts the gain? u thnk they wont try the same thing with some other ppl? u thnk thy were conscience enough?

The doll said...

i don't think it wuld hav been wrong askin him the bottle bak....along with what kiran had asked if he was fine....i wuld go out for the bottle n ask them the bottle in return in a polite way....n if something went wrong id jus try look at them firmly n ask whts the matter??? I mean even if i know i am scared pretend as if im not...altho its really been hard for me to do that n one has to b a good actor.

Or the second option wuld b Run as fast as i can:P LOL:) but i wuld try to get the bottle bak for sure:).